Eldar in Dawn of War are fast and agile but most of their units are more fragile. The Eldar are a sophisticated psychic race, ancient and technologically advanced, that have fought the fell powers of Chaos for millions of years before mankind's birth.The campaign features the Alpha Legion, with their leaders, Sindri Myr and Lord Bale. In addition, they employ morale-draining daemons and psykers. In Dawn of War, they use troops that are corrupted mirrors of their loyal Imperial counterparts. The Chaos Space Marines are traitors that, ten thousand years ago, chose to abandon their duties to humanity, betray the Immortal Emperor of Mankind and the Imperium, and instead worship the Gods of Chaos, accepting promises of power and immortality.The Space Marines are the only playable race in the single player section of the game, and the 11-mission campaign features the 3rd Company of the Blood Ravens chapter as the protagonists, led by Captain Gabriel Angelos and Librarian Isador Akios. Their troops and vehicles are more expensive, however, reflecting their limited numbers.

Space Marines have the highest morale in the game. Inducted at a young age, each Space Marine receives biological modifications, a lifetime of rigorous training, and lives to experience centuries of endless battle in the defense of humanity.

A number of special conditions are available to choose from to customize matches. Battles are won either by holding a certain number of control points for a period of time or by destroying all of the opposing armies' HQ structures. These control points are captured by infantry squads and provide resources to construct additional units and buildings or unlock certain units in an army's tech tree. Gameplay is initially focused on capturing and holding strategic locations on the battlefield.

Another sequel, Dawn of War III, was released in April 2017.Īs a series, Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War has sold more than 7 million copies worldwide as of January 2013. Its first sequel, Dawn of War II was released in February 2009. Three expansion packs have been released: Winter Assault in 2005, Dark Crusade in 2006, and Soulstorm in 2008. It was released by THQ on Septemin North America and on September 24 in Europe. Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War is a military science fiction real-time strategy video game developed by Relic Entertainment and based on Games Workshop's tabletop wargame Warhammer 40,000.